Moose Jaw Refinery Expansion Feed
Project Overview
The scope of the project included the addition of a 4700 BPD Combined Gas Oil Separation Unit into the Gibson Energy Moose Jaw Facility located in the city of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The CGO Separation Unit will take the existing Combined Gas Oil stream and split it into the following components:
- Light Straight Run Distillate comprised of components with flash points below 450 °F
- Heavy Straight Run Distillate also known as (withheld) drilling fluid with a component flash point between 450 °F and 700 °F
- Heavy Gas Oil with components with flash points above 700 °F. The CGO Separation Unit will include the design and installation of a new vacuum column, vacuum heater and ancillary equipment to split the CGO stream into the Light Straight Run Distillate, Heavy Straight Run Distillate and Heavy Gas Oil.
The existing rail car loading system was required to be expanded as part of this project. Two (2) existing HSRD loading spots would be converted for Asphalt loading. An additional four (4) HSRD loading spots (2 x dual sided loading stations) were to be added to support the new volumes of HSRD. Tridyne completed the civil and rail design as part of the FEED